//Sunneh// is FuMiNg
Young Warrior
You can call me "Great One". Most people do.[ss:CatClans]
Posts: 228
Post by //Sunneh// is FuMiNg on Aug 17, 2010 14:46:52 GMT -6
He never should of taken the risk. But the tempation was too great to resist. Swifteyes slunk into camp, his large paws making no sound on the hard packed ground. He had snuck from the patrol after distracting Falconpaw and Raccoonstar. He approached the nursery cautiously. Most of the cats were out on patrol, or sleeping, but he didn't want to risk getting caught. Swifteyes stuck his head into the nursery. Bare-leaf had been hard, and the few kits reflected the hardships the clan had endured. The kits looked up at him with wide eyes, completely unaware of what was to come. They didn't struggle or make a sound. Perfect. He padded out of the nursery, the two kits dangling from his mouth. One of them, a young tabby tom, mewed in protest as they reached the borders of camp. Swifteyes hissed at it to be quiet, then stopped as they reached a large rock. A raspy voice reached his ears. "So, you've brought the kits, clan-cat. I didn't think you had it in you." Swifteyes cringed as five mangy cats leapt out of the shadows. "Yes," he replied nervously. "Now that you have what you want, give me what I want. I'd never be able to become leader in my own clan, and that is what I've always wanted." The rogue that had spoken before chuckled. "And you thought that you would become our leader? How gullible." The rogue reached forward, ready to pick up the kits in his jaws-
OOC: Swifteyes is an ebil kitteh. XD Someone please intervene.
Post by Seafeather on Aug 17, 2010 20:31:12 GMT -6
Skyleaf Skyleaf watched from the trees. Never has she seen a cat so evil like Swifteyes. She would make sure that Raccoonstar new about him. Even though Skyleaf was a medicine cat, she became a warrior before then. She still knew a few old tricks. She leaped from the trees and stood between the kits and the rogues. "You touch them I shred you!" She snarrled. The rogues were startled and back off a little bit, but then they saw her size. They'll underestimate her. Bad move. She thought. She knew many things that rogues would never know. Things, that only StarClan itself could have taught her.
Post by Raccoonstar on Aug 17, 2010 20:49:55 GMT -6
"Just a second, Raccoonstar," Falconpaw meowed. He saw Swifteyes leave and covered it up so that it looked like he had not noticed. He followed Swifteyes' scent to see that he was handing two kits over to a rogue! If he stopped him, he might become a warrior! She saw Skyleaf alone with the rogues, and stepped in to help her. He ran in front of Swifteyes, but also near the rogues. "How DARE you! You traitor! And YOU!" He snarled at the rogues. "Get away from us NOW!" he saw that they had underestimated both Skyleaf and him. He snarled and ripped a claw across one of the rogues' eye. The rogue staggered back, but snarled anyway. He scratched the other rouges' eyes and gave a warning hiss and a battle cry that he hoped Raccoonstar could hear. He snarled again and prepared to fight.
Raccoonstar watched Falconpaw go. A brave apprentice, going off to investigate something. A few moments later he heard an earsplitting battle cry. He ran to follow him and saw him and Skyleaf ready to fight against some rogues and...Swifteyes? He knew Swifteyes was a lazy warrior, but a traitor! He bursted in from the shadows and turned to face Swifteyes. He was siding with the rogues, and two kits were wailing at his paws, saying that he was going to give them to the rogues. "You will regret the day you did this, Swifteyes," he snarled with a scratch to the ear. "You will REGRET IT, YOU TRAITOR!" he yowled and launched the fight.
Post by Seafeather on Aug 17, 2010 21:07:27 GMT -6
Skyleaf Skyleaf was the older warrior in this. She had battle strategies running in her mind. "Raccoonstar, you take care of swift eyes. Me and Falconpaw have the rogues." She yelled and leaped into batlle. A scratch here, a shove there. All she could do to protect the kits. She felt their fear as her own. She loved kits, and would protect them with her life. Skyleaf rolled over a rogue, sending him flying across the field. In the meantime she fought off another rogue with one leg. She gouged out one of their eyes, and cut their heels where the tendon is. They fell, and didn't try to get up. She thought of helping Falconpaw but thought better of herself. He'll want to do this himself. But silently told herself again that if things got to tough, she would step in.
Post by Raccoonstar on Aug 18, 2010 8:20:54 GMT -6
Falconpaw slahed at the warriors like am angry badger. He completely tore out one of the rogues' eyes, and then shoved him to the ground, where he lay, not wanting to get up. The other rogue was much bigger than he was, but he snarled and launched at his underbelly. He skidded underneath him and scratched and bit his belly until it was a bloody mess. Then he shoved the warrior away using his hind paws,and sent the rogue flying. He turned to face Skyleaf, who had finished, and was eyeing him as if he might have needed help. He didn't. He looked at Raccoonstar who was dueling with Swifteyes.
Raccoonstar clawed Swifteyes in every place imanginable. Swifteyes fought back with tooth and claw. He leaped on top of Raccoonstar. Big mistake. Raccoonstar threw him off, sending him flying as high as StarClan itself, and then he fell down to the ground, where he decided not to rise. He stalked over to him. "What do you want to say for yourself, traitor! Before I punish you!" he yowled. He was losing control of his anger, but this was a good situation to do so.
//Sunneh// is FuMiNg
Young Warrior
You can call me "Great One". Most people do.[ss:CatClans]
Posts: 228
Post by //Sunneh// is FuMiNg on Aug 18, 2010 8:47:51 GMT -6
Swifteyes Swifteyes bristled when he saw Skyleaf jump out of the brush. Foxdung! How did she find me! He thought, cursing underneath his breath. His surprise tripled when suddenly Raccoonstar and his annoying apprentice dashed out of nowhere. Swifteyes bared his teeth, the fur on his neck standing on end as Raccoonstar howled at him, "You will REGRET IT, you TRAITOR!"While Raccoonstar was bigger than him, Swifteyes was fast when he tried. He yelped as Raccoonstar threw him to the ground, then laid, seemingly paralyzed as Raccoonstar stalked towards him. "You'd never understand!" Swifteyes yowled defiantly, spitting in Racconstar's face. "You've always gotten what you wanted, and I've always been treated like crowfood!" With the last ounce of his strength, Swifteyes swiped his claws across the left side of the leader's face, leaving behind a deep, bleeding wound. Behind him the leader of the rogues snatched up the tabby kit and dashed away, the kit's wailing cries peircing the air. OOC: Kill him, exile him, I don't care.
Post by Raccoonstar on Aug 18, 2010 9:02:03 GMT -6
Falconpaw dashed after the rogue, snarling as he clawed his ears off, literally. He dropped the kit and ran. Falconpaw picked up the wailing kit in his jaws and returned it to the fight scene. Swifteyes had scratched Raccoonstar. He was bleeding. Falconpaw placed the kit down with the other kit. He sat to hear what Raccoonstar would do.
"You did this to yourself! You've always been a lazy warrior, and that's why no one likes you! You're mean to the apprentices, your lazy with the warriors, and you CAN'T FEED SNAKECLAN! DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU HAVE BEEN TREATED LIKE CROWFOOD NOW? YOU ARE EXILED FROM SNAKECLAN, TRAITOR!" Raccoonstar yowled.
Post by Seafeather on Aug 18, 2010 9:57:06 GMT -6
Skyleaf Skyleaf was calm now. The need for violence, gone. She went into a special zone that no one could reach her but herself and the patient she was working on. Which, right now was the kits. She sniffed them, prodded them and made sure they were as healthy mouses! The kits were shivering, but no fever or chill. Shock. She told herself. She looked around the forest, only a few yards from the kits and found a sprig of thyme was growing. She picked the soft leaves and coaxed the kits to eating them. Almost as soon as they ate the leaves, they started to calm down. Skyleaf circled the kits and settled herself down around them. She gently got them to curl up in her belly. She had no milk, but at least they could still be warm. In her chance of stolen-motherhood she licked the kits for comfort. After they were okay she left Raccoonstar and Falconpaw to deal with Swifteyes. And she hoped Swifteyes would get what he deserved.
//Sunneh// is FuMiNg
Young Warrior
You can call me "Great One". Most people do.[ss:CatClans]
Posts: 228
Post by //Sunneh// is FuMiNg on Aug 18, 2010 14:37:41 GMT -6
"I'll leave, then!" Swifteyes spat in Raccoonstar's face. He tried not to show it, but he was shocked and uspet at the leader's decision. He rolled to his feet painfully, then stumbled in the direction the rogues had gone. His head spun and he collapsed on the ground with a pained grunt. Once again he stood up shakily, then suddenly spun around with newfound strength and lunged at Raccoonstar's neck in blind rage, not caring if he lived or died, just wanting to take out his rage and pain on his former leader.
Post by Raccoonstar on Aug 18, 2010 18:36:11 GMT -6
Falconpaw stepped in to halt Swifteyes. Swifteyes was weak, so he was pushed off with a scratch thrown in. Swifteyes lumbered away like a defeated badger. "You were brave," Raccoonstar said once he had gone. "Brokensnow should be proud. I think I know of a certain apprentice that's going to take his assessment soon." His assessment? He'd be a warrior soon! With tons of energy, he bounded up and down. Happiness surged throughout him like a river, and all rage was gone.
Raccoonstar was surprised at Swifteyes attack. He thought he would be seriously injured if not for Falconpaw. He told him he'd be getting his assessment soon, and watched him bounce up and down like a frog. He'd be an incredible warrior, an amazing friend, and a loyal Clanmate. Was he too harsh to Swifteyes? Too late now, though this experience would haunt him for a while. He thought of Moonfire. Beautiful Moonfire. He hadn't spoken to her since their...conversation. He decided he'd talk to her once they got back to camp. He said to Falconpaw, "Let's go home, Falconpaw. I have some buisiness to take care of."